That Melanin Though...

Ahhhhhhhhh! It's almost here!!!

the Skin Fair (2017) 

*Skin - Atelier Pepe - Jin  Applier ~ Soy {Exclusive @ The Skin Fair - March 10th - 26th}
*Brows - Altelier Pepe - Sexy Brows ~ Soy {Exclusive @ The Skin Fair - March 10th - 26th}
*Eyes - [ session ] Blender Mesh Eyes v1.1  {Exclusive @ The Skin Fair - March 10th - 26th}

Hair: Lamb - Easy Easy - Eccentrics @ The Arcade

Bra & Top: Blueberry - Bra in Shirt & Top for skirts - White

Skirt: Blueberry - Denim Skirt - White
